June 17, 2010

Article Category Marketing
Written By Audrey Ellison
Total Pages 2
Tough Times
Publishng rights Yes
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Make Like a Camel and THRIVE in Tough Times
June 17, 2010

Make Like a Camel and THRIVE in Tough Times

Make Like a Camel and THRIVE in Tough Times

How is your business surviving a down economy?

Many businesses are not just surviving, but actually thriving in this downturn, all because they emulate a mighty and noble creature… the camel.

Think about it. Camels live in one of the most hostile climates on Earth. And what´s more, they actually seem to like it there. In the scorching sun. With no water. They just bat their camel eyelashes at the world and keep going. That’s because camels have learned a few lessons:

Stay hydrated;
Maximize resources;
Maintain a steady pace;
Serve a clear, useful function; and
Spit in the face of adversity

Find out how MediaDyme can help your business make like a camel with low-cost, well-targeted marketing options like SMS text messaging and email newsletters. Let our team help you learn what the camel already knows, and watch your business grow by leaps and bounds!

Make like a camel and contact MediaDyme today!
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